Fàilte do Chomunn Eachdraidh Bheàrnaraigh
Welcome to Berneray Historical Society
The AGM was held on Monday 11th November
If you are a member and did not receive an email about the AGM, please email [email protected] with your email address.
Who we are
Berneray Historical Society is an active community group based on the island of Berneray in the Sound of Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Our aim is to research, preserve and promote interest in the heritage, history and Gaelic language of Berneray and the nearby islands. The society is run entirely by volunteers, including all members of the management committee.
We are based in the Nurse's Cottage, Backhill.
Welcome to Berneray Historical Society
The AGM was held on Monday 11th November
If you are a member and did not receive an email about the AGM, please email [email protected] with your email address.
Who we are
Berneray Historical Society is an active community group based on the island of Berneray in the Sound of Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Our aim is to research, preserve and promote interest in the heritage, history and Gaelic language of Berneray and the nearby islands. The society is run entirely by volunteers, including all members of the management committee.
We are based in the Nurse's Cottage, Backhill.
During the summer months the cottage is open from Monday- Saturday every week. The cottage will open again in summer 2025.
Special openings can sometimes be arranged during the closed season. Please email [email protected] to enquire.
Special openings can sometimes be arranged during the closed season. Please email [email protected] to enquire.
The Nurse's Cottage was once the home and workplace of the District Nurse. In 2004 it became the home of Comunn Eachdraidh Bheàrnaraigh, Berneray Historical Society.
What we do
We have regular Society meetings, which all our members are entitled to attend, and we hold special events from time to time, such as ceilidhs and conferences relating to particular projects or themes. Details of some of our current and past projects can be found on the Projects and Events page.
Twice a year we also publish our newsletter which you can read online. The newsletter not only provides updates about the work of the Society but also focuses on interesting events in the island's history.
Berneray Historical Society has an active Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bernerayhistorical You do not need to have a Facebook account to view our page.
For more information about The Nurse's Cottage Visitor Centre or for more general information about Berneray, visit the community website at www.isleofberneray.com
Twice a year we also publish our newsletter which you can read online. The newsletter not only provides updates about the work of the Society but also focuses on interesting events in the island's history.
Berneray Historical Society has an active Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bernerayhistorical You do not need to have a Facebook account to view our page.
For more information about The Nurse's Cottage Visitor Centre or for more general information about Berneray, visit the community website at www.isleofberneray.com
Please Join Us!
The Society has members all over the world, including in countries where Berneray people have settled in times gone by, such as Canada and Australia.
Anyone with an interest in the history of Berneray is invited to take out membership of Berneray Historical Society which costs just £10 a year. Your support would be very much appreciated. Please download a membership form or email [email protected] for a form.
Please Join Us!
The Society has members all over the world, including in countries where Berneray people have settled in times gone by, such as Canada and Australia.
Anyone with an interest in the history of Berneray is invited to take out membership of Berneray Historical Society which costs just £10 a year. Your support would be very much appreciated. Please download a membership form or email [email protected] for a form.
Fàilte do Chomunn Eachdraidh Bheàrnaraigh
Welcome to Berneray Historical Society Seo an làrach-lìn aig Comunn Eachdraidh Bheàrnaraigh a chaidh a stèidheachadh airson fiosrachadh. ’S e buidheann air leth trang a th’ ann an Comunn Eachdraidh Bheàrnaraigh, a tha stèidhichte air an Eilean Bheàrnaraigh na Hearadh anns na h-Eileanan Siar. Tha buidheann stiùiridh beag saor-thoileach againn, agus tha buill againn bho gach ceàrn dhen t-saoghal. Tha sinn ag amas air ùidh ann an eachdraidh agus cultar an eilein a bhrosnachadh - gu h-araid a’ Ghàidhlig. Ma tha ùidh agaibh ann a bhith nur ball de Chomunn Eachdraidh Bheàrnaraigh, nach cuir sibh fios thugainn. Recent additions to our BookshopFading Footprints by Murdo Turner
The subject of this biography is the author's father, Neil Turner (1896-1960), whose mother belonged to Berneray. Neil was brought up in Berneray and later became a school master in Rhenigidale, Drinishader, Lochportain and Grimsay. The book offers a fascinating insight to life in Harris and Uist in the first half of the 20th century. The book costs £15 if purchased in the Nurse's Cottage or it can be posted to a UK address for £15 plus £5 postage. To order: email info@berneray historical.com We have a good range of other books and booklets covering many aspects of the history and culture of Berneray. These are available to purchase online.
Berneray Historical Society Newsletter
Comments and suggestions are always welcome. To contact us email [email protected] and your comments will be passed on.
Beàrnaraigh na Hearadh: 'Tis Fifty Years Since: A Study of Life in a Hebridean Island Community by Susanne Barding
Go to the Bookshop page for more information.
Please contact us at: The Nurse's Cottage, Berneray, Isle of North Uist, HS6 5BD. [email protected]
Berneray Historical Society is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC047024
Berneray Historical Society is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC047024
Aerial photograph above kindly supplied by: Seymore Hicks
We are grateful to our funders, past and present, who include: