Fhuair sinn fiosrachadh air na h-ainmean-àite bhon leabhran ‘The Place Names of Berneray’ a chaidh fhoillseachadh sa chiad dol a-mach le Comunn Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis. B’ e Iain Ruairidh (Fearghasdan) a chruinnich na h-ainmean-àite agus Dòmhnall Dhòmhnall Nèill (MacPhilip) a thug iad seachad dhan Chomunn sin. Chaidh mapa de na h-ainmean àite a chur ri chèile an dèidh làimhe le Eairdsidh Dix ’s e a’ sealltainn far a bheil na h-àiteachean.
Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am pròiseact seo a dhèanamh gun an obair a rinn na daoine air an ainmeachadh gu h-àrd. Bu toil leinn cuideachd taing a thoirt do Chomunn Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis, agus do Niall Iain Aonghais (MacAsgaill), Seonaidh Iain Ailig Mhòir (MacDhòmhnaill) agus Màiri Bhàn NicAonghas a chuidich sinn gu mòr leis an obair seo. |
The main aim of the ‘Eilean Bheàrnaraigh-A’ Cumail ar n-Eachdraidh Beò' project was to preserve some of the old Gaelic place names in Berneray by creating walks in Siaby and Rushgarry.
We obtained information on the place names from the booklet ‘The Place Names of Berneray’ which was first published by Inverness Gaelic Society. It was John Ferguson who collected the place names and Donald MacKillop who presented them to that organisation. A map of the place names was produced afterwards by Archie Dix, showing where the places are. We could not have completed this project without the work of the people mentioned above. We would also like to thank Inverness Gaelic Society , and Neil MacAskill, John MacDonald and Màiri MacInnes of Berneray who helped us greatly with this work. |